Latest Past Events
Pre Employment Workshop: Email Etiquette
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization 1778 Weston Rd, Suite #105, YorkLearn the rules and principles governing the proper conduct of email communication. It involves using appropriate language, tone, and format to convey a message effectively and professionally.
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization 1778 Weston Rd, Suite #105, YorkDear Community Members, Join us every Thursday for our weekly Health & Nutrition program facilitated by Habon Farah. Participants will gain a better understanding of key factors of healthy childhood […]
Building Transferable Skills Workshop
Somali Immigrant Aid Organization 1778 Weston Rd, Suite #105, YorkTransferable skills are a way for you to show that you can do the job, even if you aren't the perfect match of the job description. Therefore, the more relevant […]